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2024 Bond and Overides

In June 2024, the Laveen Governing Board adopted three resolutions, calling for a special election in the following areas:

Bond Election
To help meet its capital needs, including new school construction, acquisition of school sites, renovation of existing schools, purchase of school buses, improvement of school safety and security, and purchase of classroom computers and other instructional equipment, the district is proposing an election be held on November 5, 2024, to ask for voter approval for $50 million school bond authorization.  The voter-approved authorization will be in effect for 10 years.

Laveen Bond Election Information / Información sobre la Elección de Bonos de Laveen

District Additional Assistance Override Election
The Laveen Elementary School District currently has in place a 10% District Additional Assistance budget limit override approved by voters on November 6, 2018. This override will expire on June 30, 2026. Accordingly, the Board requests a renewal of the 10% override (the maximum allowed) to begin July 1, 2025.

The District Additional Assistance budget limit override funds the following capital items: information technology and instructional materials, including equipment and technology; maintenance and improvements to school facilities, including furniture, equipment, and technology; security and safety infrastructure and equipment; and pupil transportation vehicles. The District Additional Assistance budget limit override provided $4,980,320 in funding for the 2023-24 school year.

Laveen Override Election Information – DAA / Información sobre la Elección de Aumento al Presupuesto de DAA de Laveen

Maintenance and Operations Budget Limit Override
The Laveen Elementary School District currently has in place a 15% District Maintenance and Operations budget limit override approved by voters on November 3, 2020. This override will begin to phase out after June 30, 2026. Accordingly, the Board requests a renewal of the 15% override (the maximum allowed) to begin July 1, 2025. The District Maintenance and Operations budget limit override is used for the following:

  • Full-day kindergarten;
  • Competitive salaries and benefits to help attract and retain employees, and
  • Art, music P.E. and elective programs.

The District Maintenance and Operations Override budget override provided $7,470,481 in funding for the 2023-24 school year.

Laveen Override Election Information – M&O / Información sobre la Elección de Aumento al Presupuesto de M&O de Laveen

The deadline to submit arguments “for” and “against” the election to the Maricopa County School Superintendent is August 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

Request for arguments “for” or “against” the special budget override

Request for arguments “for” or “against” the District Additional Assistance Override

Request for arguments “for” or “against” the  Special Bond Election